How to keep JIRA settings after cleaning a project

Written on October 26, 2019

Normally, when you run atlas-clean command, you loose JIRA configuration and have to start over when you run your development instance again. Luckily there’s a way to keep both your JIRA configuration and log4j settings after cleaning the target directory.


Setting filename for JIRA Excel report

Written on October 19, 2019

Normally, when you click the Excel View in your report, you get a file named ConfigureReport!excelView.jspa. But what if you want a more user-friendly name that is recognized as an Excel file?


How to set JIRA report category

Written on April 16, 2017

Reports in JIRA are grouped into four categories, when displayed on reports page. You can choose one of them, but at the time of writing this (JIRA 7.4), you cannot create your own category.


Creating Tempo 8 Worklog using a ScriptRunner script

Written on August 9, 2016

2019 update: The code below no longer works with later versions of Tempo. Seems like the link on Adaptavist site below has been updated, so you can try that one. However now I highly recommend using the official Tempo REST API. It is definitely more stable than trying to call Tempo objects directly. Don’t worry about the deprecated comment at the worklogAttributes JSON array. It works all right.