Creating Tempo 8 Worklog using a ScriptRunner script

Written on August 9, 2016

2019 update: The code below no longer works with later versions of Tempo. Seems like the link on Adaptavist site below has been updated, so you can try that one. However now I highly recommend using the official Tempo REST API. It is definitely more stable than trying to call Tempo objects directly. Don’t worry about the deprecated comment at the worklogAttributes JSON array. It works all right.

Adaptavist has a nice example of how to create a worklog. However, after upgrading to Tempo 8, the API changed and simply passing a map of attribute names and values to the create() function was no longer supported.

So how do we do it in Tempo 8 when we want to specify worklog attributes?

Tell ScriptRunner that we want to work with Tempo and get instance of the TempoWorklogManager using the @WithPlugin and @PluginModule annotations:

import is.origo.jira.plugin.common.TempoWorklogManager

import com.onresolve.scriptrunner.runner.customisers.PluginModule
import com.onresolve.scriptrunner.runner.customisers.WithPlugin


TempoWorklogManager tempoWorklogManager

Then we get the WorkAttribute by calling the WorkAttributeService. In this case, we’ll be setting a Tempo Account attribute:

WorkAttribute attribute
    = workAttributeService.getWorkAttributeByKey("_Account_").getReturnedValue();

After that, we get an instance of the WorkAttributeValue and set its value using a WorkAttributeValue.Builder class:

// use account key, not name
WorkAttributeValue account = new WorkAttributeValue(new Builder(0, attribute, "AD"));

Finally, we’ll put the account attribute in an ArrayList and call tempoWorklogManager.create(). Here’s the complete script:

import is.origo.jira.plugin.common.TempoWorklogManager

import org.apache.log4j.Level
import org.apache.log4j.Logger
import org.joda.time.LocalDateTime

import com.atlassian.jira.bc.ServiceOutcome
import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
import com.atlassian.jira.user.ApplicationUser
import com.atlassian.jira.util.ErrorCollection
import com.onresolve.scriptrunner.runner.customisers.PluginModule
import com.onresolve.scriptrunner.runner.customisers.WithPlugin
import com.tempoplugin.core.datetime.api.TempoDateTime
import com.tempoplugin.core.workattribute.api.WorkAttribute
import com.tempoplugin.core.workattribute.api.WorkAttributeService
import com.tempoplugin.core.workattribute.api.WorkAttributeValue
import com.tempoplugin.core.workattribute.api.WorkAttributeValueService
import com.tempoplugin.core.workattribute.api.WorkAttributeValue.Builder


TempoWorklogManager tempoWorklogManager
WorkAttributeService workAttributeService
WorkAttributeValueService workAttributeValueService

Logger log = Logger.getLogger("com.example.jira.script.CreateWorklog");

final String targetIssueKey = "ISSUE-1";
final ApplicationUser worklogAuthor = ComponentAccessor.getJiraAuthenticationContext().getLoggedInUser();
final long logTimeInSeconds = 60 * 60; // one hour 
final TempoDateTime worklogDate = TempoDateTime.ofLocalDateTime(new LocalDateTime());  // current date

// create attribute object. In this case, we'll be setting the value of the Account attribute.
// (error checking of getWorkAttributeByKey() omitted for simplicity)
WorkAttribute attribute = workAttributeService.getWorkAttributeByKey("_Account_").getReturnedValue();
// create WorkAttributeValue and set its value
WorkAttributeValue account = new WorkAttributeValue(new Builder(0, attribute, "AD")); // use account key, not name
// create attribute list
ArrayList attributes = new ArrayList();

ServiceOutcome<Long> idOutcome 
    = tempoWorklogManager.create(targetIssueKey,
                                 "Worklog description",
                                 0l,  // billedSeconds - not using them
                                 0l,  // remainingEstimate - not using either
                                 new HashMap() // analyticsOrigin - no idea what that is

// result and error processing
if (idOutcome.isValid())
  // log the id of the created worklog (not necessary, just an example of accessing the return value)"created worklog with id " + idOutcome.getReturnedValue());
else {
  // log general and field errors
  ErrorCollection ec = idOutcome.getErrorCollection();
  for (String message : ec.getErrorMessages())
    log.error("error: " + message);
  Map<String, String> em = ec.getErrors();
  for (String key : em.keySet())
    log.error("field error: " + key + "=" + em.get(key));

The create() function called in the script is deprecated, but works for now.

If you know of a better way of creating a worklog or have any feedback on the code, let me know.
